Monday 28 July 2008


I found another Doctor Who Fanfiction site at this And I found a little Gaia Avatar thingie. I've been listening to the RENT soundtrack. And I don't mean the crappy movie soundtrack, I mean the original Broadway soundtrack.

If I can convince my mom to let me go see it on Broadway I'll be on my way to New York! My mom's blog is at this URL: Leave her a comment telling her to say yes. Or not. You don't have to. But if you do I'll give you a cookie. Anyways it's a really good soundtrack.

I've also started reading Twilight. It's pretty good so far. Then again I've only read the first ten pages. I've read too much fanfiction recently. Ummm...Oh yeah! Another thing about RENT, tickets are only $45-$100 so, since my grandpa gave me $100, I can afford at least one ticket. =^.^= In the picture(Left to right) is me, Jonathan, Will, and Morgan. We had to take the video off of youtube. So, yeah. I'm done babbling.


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