Sunday 15 February 2009


Guess who's back...
It is I! Caroline the Awesome!
Wow. That was mind-bogglingly random!
Hello everyone! This is my first 2009 post! YAY!!! I'm so bored right now! I just finished writing a song! Well the lyrics, anyways. The song is called "Now that your gone"

The lyrics are:
Well, I guess we had a falling out
And I, thought it was all better now
‘Cause all that I could think about
Was how
You make me feel
And these feelings are so real

But, now that you’re gone
I feel so scared
‘Cause I thought that you cared
But, now that you’re gone
I guess I should think
Now that you’re gone
Now that you’re gone

You really shouldn’t have come here
‘Cause I wont shed another tear
I know I should face my greatest fear
But, I won’t do it without you near
And now, my hope is growing sheer

(Chorus 2x)
And now that you’re gone
I feel so scared
‘Cause I thought that you cared
And now that you’re gone
I guess I should think
Now that you’re gone
Now that you’re gone

Thinking about how I broke
Something inside me awoke
As mysterious as smoke
And just
As thick
I want you to know
That I really miss you
I just wish I could kiss you

But, now that you’re gone
I feel so scared
‘Cause I thought that you cared
But, now that you’re gone
I guess I should think
Now that you’re gone
Now that you’re gone

what did ya think? Tell me in the comments!

Ciao for now,

Thursday 30 October 2008


I haven't blogged in, like forever!!! I can't write much, seeing as I'm supposed to be asleep. I have recently become obsessed with House M.D. I hate school. The weirdest thing ever just happened, I walked into my room, it was dark. I went to get onto my bed but... I missed. I jumped onto my bed, but instead of landing on the bed, I landed on my bed-side table. It was so weird. I've gotta go. I'll blog soon.

Alons-i and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 3 August 2008

Late Night

Hey everyone! It's 1:00 and I'm bored. I'm watching Home Improvement. I found this awesome link. So please check it out. Sydney's asleep. I'm kinda tired but this is the only time I can use the computer without her reading over my shoulder. So yay! Ummm... that's all. I know it's a really short blog, but I can't think of anything else.


Thursday 31 July 2008

Flat-screen T.V.s and Other Random Stuff

Hi everyone! I might get a flat-screen T.V. because we got digital cable and I'm getting a PS3! Mom says she getting me this really cool game called Rock Band! You can either play the drum, guitar, bass, or you can sing. I play the demo version at Best Buy and can almost play medium on the drums. My last score was 83% after about 11 or 12 times. I was never musically gifted.

I have to go back to school! Not good. It has UNIFORMS and whoever designed them is probably so smart there's no room in their heads for, oh, I dunno...a FASHION SENSE! Every charter school we've seen has a uniform and the worst part is they're all BLUE AND YELLOW! And I don't mean the cute banana yellow, I mean the pale yello- no wait it's not even cool enough to be called yellow.

And I can't go to public school because the school I'm zoned for is a really bad school. I don't mean 'people sticking their foot out to trip people' bad, I mean 'I've gotta gun and I'm gonna shoot ya' bad. And mom says private school is to expensive.

I asked my mom "How about I do that virtual schooling thing?" and she says "No, you'd get bored after a week and you need to be with other people." Then I told her "Why do I need to be around other people? All they do is annoy me." and she says "You need to have friends." I tell her "I have friends. I have the cats and I have my friends on the Internet." and then she laughs at me. After that I went to my room to sulk. :(

Anyways, I'm here with my friend Sydney. She's a chav. JK She's annoying me right now. Check out her new blog (Even though she hasn't posted anything :glares at Sydney:)here

I re-watched The Last of the Time Lords today and I saw something that I don't know how I could have missed...Around the end they show the Master's burial fire...thingie and they show a hand picking up his ring and you hear the Master laughing evilly. My guess is that, since the first time I saw it it was aired in America, they cut out that part to make space. Or I'm got the observance skills of a gnat.

Oh, well. Hope you enjoyed my rambling.


Monday 28 July 2008


I found another Doctor Who Fanfiction site at this And I found a little Gaia Avatar thingie. I've been listening to the RENT soundtrack. And I don't mean the crappy movie soundtrack, I mean the original Broadway soundtrack.

If I can convince my mom to let me go see it on Broadway I'll be on my way to New York! My mom's blog is at this URL: Leave her a comment telling her to say yes. Or not. You don't have to. But if you do I'll give you a cookie. Anyways it's a really good soundtrack.

I've also started reading Twilight. It's pretty good so far. Then again I've only read the first ten pages. I've read too much fanfiction recently. Ummm...Oh yeah! Another thing about RENT, tickets are only $45-$100 so, since my grandpa gave me $100, I can afford at least one ticket. =^.^= In the picture(Left to right) is me, Jonathan, Will, and Morgan. We had to take the video off of youtube. So, yeah. I'm done babbling.


Saturday 26 July 2008


Me: Hi this is my bl-

Will: NAKED SOCK PUPPET!!!!=^.^=

Me: Shut up!

Jonathan: ROTFL!!!!!


Me: All of you shut up! I'm trying to do my blog...thingie

NSP(Naked Sock Puppet): I like BEER!!!

Me: Yes I'm sure you do. Anyhoo! I'm going to my family reunion tommor-

Morgan: Stop tickling my foot!

Will: Yeah Jonathan, stop tickling her foot!

Me: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways check out our video! At:

All: BYE!!!!!!

NSP: BBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All(Sans NSP): QUIET!!!!!!!!!! >:(

Monday 14 July 2008

Jigsaw Puzzlemaker!

I found a jisaw puzzlemaker...thing!!!! So fear me!!!!!! XDDD I got really bored and found this and here's puzzle of my fave Doctor Who companion!!!!!!!!
This is the link:
There may be more puzzles later on. I'll blog again later. =^.^=