Sunday, 13 July 2008

Immigration, and stuff.

Alright this is a VERY important topic, but I'll make it funny. Recently I heard some big-shot politician(who's name I don't know) said that instead of telling the people who come to America to learn English, we should learn their language. Let me tell you something, they teach one language in grade-school and that's Spanish. I don't wanna learn Spanish. When I was in 2nd grade, we had this Spanish teacher and her name was Mrs. Aurthur. I didn't hate her then because I was only seven, but when I got to 3rd grade...I NEVER payed attention. I got busted for passing notes to my friend Haley one day. Then later on in the year, I went with my mom to her Russian class and I actually enjoyed it. OK, I was asleep, but I got my mom to teach me a lil' bit so I can say the basics like hello, goodbye, thank you, that kind of stuff. That was my randomness. Anyhooooo! The new Ihop just opened today! But we didn't get to go 'cause it was completely full.(there were even people parking on the street) I just talked to my friend Sydney, she's bored. I've run out of things to say soooooo...
ALON-SI! =^.^=

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